Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key

Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key serves as a comprehensive guide to unlocking the intricacies of vocabulary, empowering learners with the tools to enhance their linguistic prowess.

This invaluable resource provides a thorough examination of essential vocabulary words, offering clear definitions, engaging examples, and practical exercises to reinforce understanding.

Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Vocabulary

Meaning of Vocabulary Words

  • Complacent:Self-satisfied and unaware of danger or problems.
  • Discreet:Careful and cautious in speech or action.
  • Enigmatic:Mysterious or puzzling.
  • Gregarious:Sociable and outgoing.
  • Obsequious:Excessively submissive or flattering.
  • Respite:A pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms of Vocabulary Words

  • Amiable:Friendly, pleasant (Antonym: Unfriendly, unpleasant)
  • Capricious:Unpredictable, impulsive (Antonym: Predictable, stable)
  • Garrulous:Talkative, chatty (Antonym: Quiet, reserved)
  • Placid:Calm, peaceful (Antonym: Agitated, restless)
  • Vacillate:Hesitate, waver (Antonym: Decide, commit)

Sentence Completion

Wordly wise lesson 17 answer key

Complete the Sentences

  • The student was so complacentthat he didn’t notice the teacher enter the room.
  • The obsequiouspolitician kissed up to the voters.
  • The enigmaticman was a mystery to everyone who knew him.

Contextual Usage

Use the Vocabulary Words in Sentences, Wordly wise lesson 17 answer key

  • The gregariouscrowd cheered loudly at the concert.
  • The discreetemployee was always willing to help customers.
  • The capriciousweather gave us a much-needed respitefrom the heat.

Word Usage Table: Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key

Word Definition Example Sentence Image/Illustration
Complacent Self-satisfied and unaware of danger or problems. The complacent student failed to study for the test. [Image of a student sleeping in class]
Discreet Careful and cautious in speech or action. The discreet diplomat avoided making any controversial statements. [Image of a diplomat speaking at a press conference]
Enigmatic Mysterious or puzzling. The enigmatic painting left viewers scratching their heads. [Image of a painting with abstract figures]
Gregarious Sociable and outgoing. The gregarious politician made friends wherever he went. [Image of a politician shaking hands with people]
Obsequious Excessively submissive or flattering. The obsequious assistant fawned over his boss. [Image of an assistant bowing to his boss]
Respite A pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant. The vacation provided a much-needed respite from work. [Image of people relaxing on a beach]

Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

  • How can you tell if someone is being obsequious?

    By their overly flattering behavior and submissive demeanor.

  • What are the benefits of being discreet?

    Avoiding unnecessary conflict, maintaining confidentiality, and fostering trust.

  • How can you avoid being complacent?

    By staying informed, challenging assumptions, and seeking feedback.


What is the purpose of the Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key?

The Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key provides comprehensive answers and explanations for the vocabulary exercises in Lesson 17 of the Wordly Wise program, enabling learners to self-assess their understanding and reinforce their knowledge.

How can I use the Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key effectively?

To effectively utilize the Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key, learners should first complete the exercises in the lesson and then refer to the answer key to check their responses. This process allows for self-correction and reinforces learning.

What are the benefits of using the Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key?

The Wordly Wise Lesson 17 Answer Key offers several benefits, including: improved vocabulary retention, enhanced comprehension skills, increased confidence in language usage, and a stronger foundation for academic success.

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